Residents Strike and a havoc

Hey guys , I have been telling you that all over India , first year residents have become frustrated as they have been working like a first year from last 1 year and 6 months..

Medical post graduation is of three years. You have to work continuously in first year almost 16 hours a day for 7 days a week with no off holiday no CL . When you get into second year , you have to sit in OPD and emergencies and this duty comprises of almost 12 hours if its a night .. and 6 hours if its day or evening.

Alongwith this , there is thesis , you have to work upon and study in second year . As refernce books are so heavy , you can’t finish it in your third year alone.

Then in 3rd year , you are given floor supervision or ICU supervision duties where you are not alone. You supervise and help a first year and spend time in finishing your thesis and studying.

So, our batch was 2020 , we gave exams in last january 2020 and joined in july/august 2020 (delayed because of covid) .Normally joining happens by may /june.

So, this year ,the prepg exam was scheduled in january 2021 , which was postponed to april . Again, just before two days of exam , government post poned it directly to september. Ok we completed our first year in july so till then we were working like first year . But, we were fine with this as we know sometimes things change and it was a pandemic so we obviously would cooperate. Our third years went away in june . So, from april 2021 we were bombarded with extra duties. Half of our batch became first year and half as second year . And from july , we were further thrashed upon with third year duties also .

Then in october , our another hospital opened up which was closed due to covid there was more work load and still that much residents only.

Now , imagine the level of insensitivity of government , we have been waiting for counselling procedures to start after the exam was over in september .. and its december and there is still no hope that it will . As a case is going on and there is date and next date given in the court and no real decision has been made.

Can you imagine , one year was skipped whole batch was skipped. Soon it will be janauray and the coming batch will be counted as 2022. Where is the 2021 batch for God sake!

We are so much tired that we don’t find time for studies , neither for thesis ..and not even for taking a break . As , the first year duties have not been so hectic even in our first year as they are now.

We need menpower and government is treating this case too as a general case ..will give results after 10 years if no one intervenes.

We were discussing ..that we will enter our third year and then our both years juniors will come. Yes, its a serious issue.. as government can’t see already a resident is so much depressed and tortured .. and above this , this year has been kind of hell for us. Many residents went for suicides. Many are dealing with depressions.

I personally am dealing with my issues. Sai , its been a tough phase , now please show us the morning light.

So, this strike has been done and I hope something happens soon .

Otherwise , I won’t be able to contain myself anymore.

Don’t be a doctor in India!

I never imagined such a plight of mine ..when I was so enthusiastic about my passion dream to become a doctor.

But , truth is much more bitter.

May Sai gives us strength and love that we deserve.

Please pray for us.

Om Sairam

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